[11.) BLOG POST: 3D-Printable Chess Set]

I've been sick for most of the week but I have the print scheduled and I'll update this soon.

Meanwhile, concept sketches and renders!

I put a significant amount of work into research and concept sketches and what I came up with was the idea of some of the standard Photoshop icons, inset into a base via a tab or two, with an additional possibly clear backing for support.

Have some renders! That's the preliminary six all laid out, and here's what they'd look like set across from each other on a chess board.

Believe it or not I swear there's some sense to it and it logically fits together in my head:

Queen: Paintbrush tool (flowing movements that can go almost anywhere)

King: Pencil tool (sharp-edged but controlled movements)

Rook: Magnifying glass (really looks down the board)

Knight: Lasso Selection tool (curvy knight, curvy selection tool, curvy movements)

Bishop: Paintbucket (makes big moves)

Pawn: Erasor (they do erasing and frequently are the first to get erased...)

As for preliminary work, well - it's a bit of a mess. Believe it or not this project pushed me quite a bit compared to my last one - but I think the results are at the very least conceptually fun, and I can see ways to further push gameifying digital objects via physical representations.


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