OBDF 310 - Vornoi Flowers

First post of this class!
I'll start out with what I ended up with after a lot of learning, playing and experimentation - a vase voronoi sphere flowers with a backdrop of a massive voroni structure:

So this assignment was a week to pick up the basics of Grasshopper was challenging but inspiring, it's so easy to see how this can make problems in Rhino I've struggled with not only a lot easier, but sometimes - such as in the case of the voronoi spheres later on - even possible at all.

Didn't really run into any technical issues, the tutorial was really straightforward - really it's just a matter of getting familiar with the tools, and that just takes putting the hours in, making mistakes, and figuring out how to fix things.

...I did a LOT of fixing things.

I really enjoyed the experience, there's a lot of potential here for creating what look like really complex shapes really simply, and even more interseting is the potential for iterating them very rapidly without having to fuss too much with base geometry.

I've always been interested in fractals and repeating patterns and vornoi noise and so that's what I experimented with figuring out here,setting up this structure here

That lets me control the cell count, size, and depth of a vonoi sphere, and then using the 'bake' command to just easily pull off however many iterations I want, in seconds.

And it works with other shapes as a base, too, like cones! I want to apply this to other shapes and non-linear shapes in the future - could I use something like a basic mandelbrot fractal to determine the size and placement of cells, or some other method of controlling non-uniform distribution of variables.

...and then could those variables be animated? That opens up a whole world of potential.

And here's the screenshots of going through the basic tutorial of setting points and and spacing and some basic lofting and things.



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