OBDF 310 [02.) BLOG POST: 160x160mm Robotic drawing (part 1)]


1.) Prepare a 160x160mm cell (rectangle) in rhino.

Okay but first step - and I wonder how many people will miss this - will be when you create a new document that you make sure you have it set to Small Objects - Millimeters.


 2.) Within this square, create any design for a drawing you wish.

Rotations, etc etc

3.) Utilize the "fill patterns" grasshopper definition from class to hatch in closed regions as desired.

 I got this for, however note that remaining whitespace

 I'd like to fill the in-between space with circle-fill, however 

 Doing so just places the circles over everyhthign - which is fine - but I wonder if there's a way to have it only fill the in-between spaces and not the other shapes?

4.) Save this file and have it ready and on hand next class.


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