Experiments in Extreme Format Shifting and Physical Object Creation

What I want to explore is how I can adapt this to other media? 3d printing? How would a heightmap in Rhino affect this? Now, I have all these and the process for creating them - .mp3 to .wav to .png to edited .png back to .wav back to .mp3 Can I convert the .wav to a spectrogram that can be printed then re-imported back to .wav to .mp3? What can the introduction of Perlin (or other!) noise to the .png do to the .wav audio? What if I radically compress the .png - what does that sound like? What about other extreme format shifts back to audio? Combination of an image and an audio file? What about a pen plotter? How to make 3d? Or flip it: image -> wav, edit the wav, -> back to image? Maybe: painting -> .wav -> edited .wav -> new painting? Can I create a cycle of iteration through integration of a 3rd transformation? How would a print to a transparency re-importaed back to .wav affect the audio? How far can I push t...