
Showing posts from January, 2025

Experiments in Extreme Format Shifting and Physical Object Creation

What I want to explore is how I can adapt this to other media? 3d printing? How would a heightmap in Rhino affect this?   Now, I have all these and the process for creating them - .mp3 to .wav to .png to edited .png back to .wav back to .mp3 Can I convert the .wav to a spectrogram that can be printed then re-imported back to .wav to .mp3?   What can the introduction of Perlin (or other!) noise to the .png do to the .wav audio? What if I radically compress the .png - what does that sound like? What about other extreme format shifts back to audio?   Combination of an image and an audio file? What about a pen plotter? How to make 3d? Or flip it: image -> wav, edit the wav, -> back to image?     Maybe: painting -> .wav -> edited .wav -> new painting?   Can I create a cycle of iteration through integration of a 3rd transformation?   How would a print to a transparency re-importaed back to .wav affect the audio?  How far can I push t...

(unlisted video) mp4 to wav to png to edited png back to wav back to mp4

 mp4 to wav to png to edited png back to wav back to mp4 glitching starts 13 seconds in

.png to .wav to (to .mp4) to .png from .wav

 Experimenting with translating image data to audio data and back again     (possible) loudness warning    

OBDF 310 [02.) BLOG POST: 160x160mm Robotic drawing (part 1)]

  1.) Prepare a 160x160mm cell (rectangle) in rhino. Okay but first step - and I wonder how many people will miss this - will be when you create a new document that you make sure you have it set to Small Objects - Millimeters.     2.) Within this square, create any design for a drawing you wish. Rotations, etc etc 3.) Utilize the "fill patterns" grasshopper definition from class to hatch in closed regions as desired.  I got this for, however note that remaining whitespace  I'd like to fill the in-between space with circle-fill, however   Doing so just places the circles over everyhthign - which is fine - but I wonder if there's a way to have it only fill the in-between spaces and not the other shapes? 4.) Save this file and have it ready and on hand next class.