Surface Design Study: Research Design


I really took inspiration from some of the brickwork, wooden surfaces, and closeups of textured fabric I documented, as well as a ring of holes in an elevator speaker grille. Combining all these elements along with a seaside ocean  palette led me to creating this surface design.

With a spiral as a base, triangular elements intersect the spiral, alternating colours and intensity as it draws the eye inwards. A single edge of the triangular shapes overlap with the spiral, creating an illusion of  layering and depth as the colours alternate. Below, I experimented with strong linear shapes to create contrast with the curvilinear spiral and triangular shapes - and then at the outer edges beyond all that I emphasized irregular, non-linear shapes, with a sunny sandy beach colour theme.

I initially struggled with remembering the commands, but just looking up the Rhino 3d tutorial website - - and experimenting, learning, figuring out what doesn't work, learning what does, and just continually iterating - well, that's what learning is, isn't it? Learning is as much if not more the process of finding out what doesn't work, until all that remains is what is.


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